E-Government Implementation: Technological Development as an Ideological Construction

კატეგორია: INTERNET
  • სტატიის დეტალები

    ავტორი:Anna Trakhtenberg

    ინსტიტუტი:Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yekaterinburg, Russia


  • გააზიარეთ
  • ანოტაცია
    Abstract: The e-government implementation is considered as one of the main directions of radical public administration reform. However, the actual experience of e-government is accompanied by a strong institutional resistance, inefficient spending and unused services. These expectations are constantly coming into conflict with reality. It means that the concept of e-government serves the ideological functions. It is used for institutional legitimation of the state. E-government ideology is naturalized, i.e perceived as self-evident by the main actors. Key words: e-government, public administration reform, naturalization of ideology