Modelling of Business-Processes for Enterprise Resource Management

კატეგორია: MODELING
  • სტატიის დეტალები

    ავტორი:Khatia Kristesiashvili, Giorgi Surguladze

    ინსტიტუტი:Georgian Technical University

  • გააზიარეთ
  • ანოტაცია
    The article performs modeling issues of business-processes for enterprise resource management. Analyzed the problems and tasks, which prevents the stable functioning and development of the company. They can be solved in different ways, but one of the best solution is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. The paper discusses the structure of the organization in form of marketing, logistics, human resources and other departments before and after implementation of the ERP system . Practical examples illustrate the business process modeling using BPMN standart. Keywords – Enterprise resources, management, business process, ERP, system, logistics, BPMN, modeling.