Teaching information technology at on initial stage

კატეგორია: INTERNET
  • სტატიის დეტალები

    ავტორი:Manana Karkashadze

    ინსტიტუტი:Akaki Tsereteli State University, Kutaisi, Georgia

  • გააზიარეთ
  • ანოტაცია
    Article represents innovational attitude at school’s educational system in an initial stage, study of informational and communicational system in learning process. In order to transit into informational society, in an initial stage of education it is necessary for adults to develop the ability of relationship with information. Concept of the programming in II-VI classes, develops exciting curiosity of high stage of education toward information technology, necessary components for informational society, forming of culture of information relationship. Practice has shown, that pupils develop their cognitive curiosity toward the subject; knowledge connected with informational technology is increasing. Skills of memorization, concentration, abstractive and logical thinking, analyzes, making the conclusion and transforming of the knowledge are developed